Thursday, January 31, 2013

Oh yes we did!

The kids and I went over to the Hazlewoods to play after school. While we were there, Kate made a chocolate cake to take to a funeral at church. We fed the kids lunch but didn't have anything after the cake was iced, we scraped the bottom of the pan with fruit, spoons, our fingers -  and enjoyed a very tasty lunch!

January Visitors

Mr. Skip and Mrs. Jane came to meet Elizabeth on New Year's Day
Miss Talitta joined us for church and then came over for lunch.

Miss Anna and Mr. Juan came over to watch football and hold Miss E
Saneeha came by when she was home from UGA
Patricia and Carlton came for brunch

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


The bassinet my dad's dad, Great Pop Pop, used when he was a baby 97 years ago is still around and in great shape.  All three of our kids have had their picture taken in the bassinet.  Here is Elizabeth's turn in this treasured keepsake.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Wesley was heading to Nashville to speak at Michael Reed's annual retreat so the kids and I headed up with him. Emily was having her first shower for Leighton and I was invited to attend. I couldn't turn down an opportunity to celebrate my newest niece.

We piled a lot of fun into the weekend. Before Wesley left for the retreat, we had a playdate with Erin, Elizabeth and Benjamin.

Then, we went to Joshua and Caleb's school to see the 3rd Grade play. It was great!

Elizabeth enjoyed some Aunt Susan time before the play began. 

After the play, we had to celebrate at Krispy Kreme! 

Since we were limited on space in the van, Mimi and Pop Pop took Benjamin and Elizabeth home and Wesley and I took the big kids to get a treat.

Wesley left Friday evening, but the fun didn't stop just becasue he wasn't around.  Susan invited all the "Potts" family over for a very late Christmas Eve get-togther. I am so glad we could be there for this celebration. Susan and Tim have the perfect house for a large crowd and the adults and children enjoyed the brunch.

Caleb, Joshua, Margaret and Caroline
Little Drubby and Big Drubby

Uncle Melvin meeting Miss Elizabeth
Drubby and Elizabeth
Rebekah and Elizabeth - the two girl cousins waiting on Leighton to join them! 
After the brunch, Mom and Dad took the boys, and Elizabeth and I headed to Spring Hill to meet Abigail's newest blessings. Levi and Tristan were born the week after Elizabeth. They are adorable and I see many happy play dates in the future for these three!

We rounded out the weekend on Sunday. Wesley was home from the retreat so he and Pop Pop took the kids to see Great Pop Pop while the girls went to Leighton's shower. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Today we traveled to Gainesville for a Field Trip with Jackson's class. I took all three kids with me. I was hoping to only take Jackson and Philip but Wesley had a meeting he couldn't miss. It worked out fine because Elizabeth slept most of the time and was a great traveler.

Jackson and Philip both enjoy this museum of imagination play!

Elizabeth and I were the passengers in the plane Jackson and Philip were flying.
They were such smooth pilots, Elizabeth was able to rest on the ride!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Two months!

It is hard to believe this beauty is 2 months old. She is such a joy and the happiest little girl!  We went to the doctor today for her 2 month appointment and first shots.

Here are her stats:

Weight: 10 pounds 5 ounces  (35%)
Height: 22.2 inches (45%)

She was not a fan of her shots!

Seeing Elizabeth lose it when she got her shots took me back to when Philip got his first shots. Philip has the highest tolerance for pain and immediately after his shots, he gave me his first smile. It was a different story today!