Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Kids in September

It was a beautiful day for a stroll
Philip's preschool hosted a Labor Day parade. 
Elizabeth found her friend Andy and decided to invade his personal space with a hug. He did not appreciate the gesture! 
Family Outing to get a flu shot

Jackson's new look!

He left the house looking like this...

And came back looking like this...

Elizabeth's September pictures

 I think Elizabeth spent most of September exhausted:

 We took a walk to our friends in the back of the neighborhood and she feel asleep while riding!

Elizabeth and Mr. Rocky at CiCis
Elizabeth and JJ

Her first time with painted toes! 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Beach Wedding

Wesley's cousin Beth was getting married on the beach in Alabama and we wanted to go. Jack and Lynne were renting a condo for the week so we asked if we could join them for the weekend. They said "Yes!" and Joel and Shannon decided to tag along as well. It was a packed condo but so much fun! We played on the beach, watched the UT/UGA game and celebrated with Beth and Chris at their beautiful beach wedding. 


Early Saturday morning, the boys and I went exploring on the beach...

It was COLD in the water so we spent most of the time in the "Hot Pool" (aka the hot tub with out the bubbles)
And occasionally, we turned on the bubbles! 
Never a dull moment with Wesley!

After the wedding, Jack and his kids enjoyed a late night Oyster run.
Elizabeth during a bathroom stop at Cracker Barrell
(She got a new outfit while we were there! So cute!)
The boys at Arby's!