Sunday, March 31, 2013

Elizabeth's first taste of real food!

Sunday after everyone else had feasted on Easter Lunch, Elizabeth had a feast of her own - her first taste of rice cereal!

She didn't like eating up while sitting up. She enjoyed lying down on the chair and sucking the cereal off the spoon. 
She didn't like it when I made her sit up!
We tried again with Mommy holding Elizabeth and Mimi feeding her

Easter in Tennessee

Elizabeth and I celebrated Easter in Nashville with my family.

The Easter Bunny found Elizabeth in Nashville and gave her a bathing suit for the summer! 

After church, everyone met at my parents for a delicious Easter feast!

The babies fell asleep and spent some quality time napping in their car seats
Look at that adorable Leighton!
The three granddaughters
Drubby and Leighton

Joshua, Rebekah, and Caleb 
Leighton and Mimi


While in Nashville, I snapped a few pictures of Baby Leighton - so precious!

Easter in Georgia

Shannon, Macey, and Cole arrived in Cumming early Sunday morning. Even after a long, late night of driving, they were up and ready to head to Easter Sunday service with Wesley and the boys. 

Before heading to church, they examined what the Easter Bunny had brought them! Turns out the Easter Bunny got creative this year, and left a trail of jelly beans from their rooms to the baskets downstairs! Yummy!

Looking Sharp and watching Sports Center before heading out
That is a FINE looking row of handsome men!
The weather was less than ideal so they moved the Easter Egg hunt inside. Jackson and Philip searched for a few eggs before heading home to... 
Decorate Easter Eggs!
Star Wars Easter Eggs
Wesley and Shannon

Friday, March 29, 2013

Passion City Church - Good Friday Service

Gerald invited the boys and Wesley to join him at the Passion City Good Friday Service. He had extra tickets and Wesley was looking forward to the evening. The boys just loved spending time with Gerald!

The concert was at an outdoor ampitheater. They brought their chairs and met up with others from the YMCA.

It was a VERY late night - especially after the early morning. The boys cashed out before the evening was over. I don't know how they slept among all the lights and noise but they looked comfortable.

Good Friday Breakfast

Every year, the YMCA hosts a Good Friday breakfast. This year, since Elizabeth and I would be in Nashville, Wesley decided to take Philip and Jackson. They leave the house at 6:20 am. I was excited to see how they all did and loved all the pictures Wesley sent me of the morning.

Wesley really wanted the boys to wear suits to the breakfast. We purchased them suits but the boys weren't fans of the pants. Instead Jackson wanted to wear jeans with his jacket and tie. He loved his new outfit and when he first tried it on, he didn't want to take it off!! He asked to wear it to school, the YMCA and the Hazlewood's house. We told him to wait for the breakfast.