Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Bunny Trail

Did you know the Easter bunny "always" leaves a jelly bean trail when he comes to visit?

Wesley and I had forgotten this fact, but thankfully, Jackson reminded us about it late, late Saturday night. As he was going to bed, he told us how much he was looking forward to seeing where the jelly bean trail (aka Easter Bunny poop) would lead Sunday morning. 

Wow! Wesley & I had forgotten that when Aunt Shannon was at the house one Easter, the Easter Bunny had surprised us all and left his first jelly bean trail. Though we had forgotten, we hoped the Easter Bunny remembered because it was now a tradition for Jackson.

What a relief to wake up Sunday morning to a long jelly bean trail. The Easter Bunny had remembered to leave this special treat which lead all the way to new Skylanders!

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