Thursday, December 18, 2014

Holiday Parties!

'Tis the season for Holiday parties! Today Jackson & Philip had their end-of-the-year Christmas celebrations. Thankfully, Lynne & Jack were still in town from Jackson's performance and they were able to help shuffle the logistics of the morning. 

Jackson's party started at 9:00 and we built a Gingerbread house. He did a great job on his creation! 

Jackson and his buddy, Lane.
Jackson, Lane and Ethan
I loved spending time with Jackson in his class! 
After Jackson's party, I had a few minutes before Philip's began. He enjoyed pizza, decorated a cookie and had a book exchange (in which he got the book he brought!)

I loved celebrating with this smile!
It was a fun morning and I am so blessed to be able to make it to activities like this at the kids' schools!!

And what great fun - I had a Holiday party too! Cory hosted a "Favorite Things" party with ladies from church and I got to celebrate the season too!
Laura and Leanne @ Cory's

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