Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Elizabeth goes to school!

As I thought about Elizabeth and school, my plan was to put her in preschool when Philip started Kindergarten. We were all set to begin the fall of 2015, but over the past several months,  I realized she needed more structure than I was giving her at home. An opening became available at Philip's preschool so I signed her up. This morning was her first day of real preschool.

She has loved going to "my skool"(Mother's Morning Out at the YMCA) and I know she will enjoy preschool at NL. Even so, her apprehension this morning when I dropped her off and my sadness of not having her at home with me has made me a little down.  I know when I see her smile at 1:00 I will be at ease, but right now, I am second guessing my decision. The only reassurance I have that I did the right thing is I am able to sit at the computer and work on my blog without having to worry about her.

Even though she was a little uneasy about going into her classroom, she knew what to do when I said 'Smile!"

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