Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Animal Kingdom

We planned to spend our first full day at the Animal Kingdom - and that meant getting up early! Like Dark early! We had to be at the park around 7:00 so Wes and I got up and ready. Then we woke the kids up and headed out. 


At least Wesley and I were excited to be there!
On our way to Pandora Land

After riding the Pandora's Flight of Passage, we headed over to the Safari Ride and it was the best Safari Ride we have even been on. Every animal was out and active - it must have been breakfast time! 

We found a new adventure in Animal Kingdom and were able to do a scavenger hunt around the park.

Best part of the day - on this ride we saw (but didn't get a photo of) a baby rhino! 
So adorable!!

We took a drawing class  - SCAR was what we drew.

Elizabeth's art

Jackson's art

Leanne's art

Philip's art

Wesley's art
We spent a lot of time looking at the Animal Kingdom tree to see if we could find all of the hidden animal sculptures.

Riding Everest

Everest was not kind to Philip's tummy
So Wesley sat down with him and Jackson, Elizabeth and I went back on the Safari to see how the animals were in the afternoon. They were not as active as they were in the morning, but Elizabeth got to see some more giraffes! 

Right before we left, we met the nicest employee who told us so many stories about being an animal keeper! 
It was a GREAT day! 

But we had some tired bodies...good thing we have a day of rest planned for tomorrow!