Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

This Halloween had a football theme. Philip wanted to be a UT football player and Jackson wanted to be an Auburn one. I decided Elizabeth would be a split cheerleader, and I made her a little outfit with half of the UT logo and half an Auburn one. It was really cute.

Sadly, we had a little trouble with the delivery of the boys' costumes. I received word they had been delivered to Walmart and went to pick them up. When I arrived, only the UT one was there. I checked my e-mail, and the Auburn ordered had been canceled by Walmart. What?! 

I called customer service and they quickly agreed to send me my complete order. It was a day late in arriving to our house, and when I opened  the box, it was a UGA uniform! What?!

I decided to be done with Walmart and placed a replacement order through Amazon. It was to arrive on Halloween night but by the time the kids were ready to get dressed, it still wasn't here.  I was so sad but Jackson took it like a champ and decided he would go as a UT fan - complete with blue hair.  

Since Jackson wasn't an Auburn player, we switched Elizabeth's outfit at the last minute to a UT cheerleader. How cute was she?!

We held our annual Halloween party and while we were waiting on everyone to arrive, the doorbell rang - It was Jackson's uniform! He quickly transformed into the AU player and enjoyed the night.

Ready to go!
Philip, Jack, Jackson, Sam
(Andy - as Santa Claus in the background)

Halloween tradition - Croissant Dogs! 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Visit from the Mosses

Emily, Ryan & Leighton came down for the weekend. It was so much fun! The boys went camping on Friday night while the girls went shopping.  All four of the girls enjoyed the outlets and from the pictures we were sent, the boys had blast on their first camping trip!

Philip supervising Ryan putting up the tent.  
And now it is Jackson's turn to supervise. 
Admiring their hard work!
Jackson checking out the food supply 
Preparing the fire
Exploring the campground and seeing the "wild beasts"!
On the water
Philip again supervising Ryan as he works 

Jackson overseeing breakfast...
Until Ryan puts him to work!
Breakfast crew
COLD morning!
Can you find Philip?
After the boys returned home from camping, we enjoyed lunch at our neighborhood Fall festival and then a trip to the pumpkin patch in North Georgia! 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Wesley's a preacher man

The preacher of the church we went to in Nashville left back in January and as they search for a new minister, they have asked people to come fill in each Sunday. Wesley was asked to preach this weekend so we made a family weekend of it.

Very rarely do we go to Nashville without a packed agenda so I made a point to put nothing on the schedule but quality time with the family this weekend.

Friday night, I wanted to take the kids to the Spaghetti Factory and the whole crew joined us. So much fun!

Saturday, we went to a Fall Festival at Ellington Agriculture Center.

Instead of a sand box they had a box full of corn kernels! It was so cool. 
This is the normal look I get from Leighton!

Sunday, we headed to West End where it was so good to see familiar faces and a few blasts from the past like this sign Cristal made when she was the Children's Minister 10 years ago! 

I almost hit the floor when I saw the church board when we pulled up - this is my all time FAVORITE sign!!
It was clear we were supposed to be at West End this Sunday morning! 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Mom's Away!

This weekend was the Ladies' Retreat at Grace Chapel and so Wesley was on Kid Duty.  He had to work Friday night so we called in reinforcements with Uncle Gerald. He kept the boys Friday night and my friend, Allison, watched Elizabeth. 

Gerald took the boys to the Lambert football game to watch Mr. Jeremy play.
Saturday, Uncle Gerald stayed to play and they all went to the Cumming Fair. What fun!

Jackson is so protective of Elizabeth! 

Riding the Sky Lift 
Elizabeth and Mr. Gerald down below

All Philip wanted to do was ride the ponies and he finally got his turn! 
Elizabeth enjoying her treat - a deep fried Oreo! 
Lunch at Taco Bell
Church on Sunday