Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Kids in March

We slowly attempted to get back to normal in March. Here are a few shots of the kids having fun and enjoying the Spring!

I snapped this on March 1. Wesley was down at CHOA with Philip and I was enjoying some smiles with Elizabeth!

Firehouse Subs!
Jackson was invited to a birthday party at Stars & Stripes and played his first game of laser tag!
Krispy Kreme run 
Helping Mimi cook
Apron - check
Chef's Hat - check
Tutu - check :-)

Philip was able to head to LegoLand with Jack for his 5th birthday
Reed, Jack and Philip

Monday, March 23, 2015

Happy Birthday, Mimi!

Since I was in Nashville on my mom's birthday, I was able to join Susan, Emily, & Mom at a birthday dinner. What fun!

Red Lobster Birthday dinner!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Back to School!

As I thought about starting Week One of “Back to Normal” I thought it would be all “Happy Happy Joy Joy!” but Wow! It has been an emotional day. 
Trying to get back to normal with a child who looks and acts normal should be a piece of cake but my heart is having a hard time keeping up with the speed of Mr. Philip. 
Three and a half weeks ago, I was at home and received the call from Wesley at the hospital saying “You need to get back down here” 
Three weeks ago, I saw my 5 year old connected to so many tubes and wires I had to snap a picture of all the things he was plugged into. 
Two weeks ago, I watched and wondered “How long until I see the smile and hear the laugh of my baby” 
10 days ago, I heard him say “I love you, Mommy” and laugh at Tom & Jerry. 
One week ago, I entered the hospital to see Philip riding a bike around the lobby during Physical Therapy with his smile plastered on his face. 
Three days ago, I looked into the rear view mirror to see Philip, completed healed, riding HOME with me. 
We have been though so much in such a short time, and my mind is still trying to comprehend what just happened! 
As I try to get back to normal, my mind wonders back to the new friends we meet in the hospital. I wonder how they are doing? How are their babies healing? 
I try to sit in church and all I can think about is how ALIVE the Scripture is and wonder if I will ever be able to make it through service without tears?
There is a lot of processing still left to do – but it is not for Philip. Philip's back to his old self but I still have so much to process. Philip’s little body says everything is the same, but things are different. 
--> My heart has been filled to overflowing and so stretched from the love our family has received that it will never be the same. 
--> I have experienced the complete peace of Jesus as He held me and took me to a place of COMPLETE and total trust in His divine wisdom. 
--> I have seen my older son love his younger brother with a depth I didn’t know was in him. 
--> I have witnessed miraculous healing on Philip's body and brain.
--> I have witnessed the Lord grab hold of my husband and say “HOLD ON” He has given Wesley glimpses of His Fullness and Wesley will forever be changed. 
I would love to say that this is behind us since we are now back under one roof, but we still have a lot to process and a lot to learn from. Our family is changed and I ask that you please keep us in your prayers as we continue to heal, learn and grow from all we have experienced though this journey. 
With love

Daisy Adair He is awesome!Liliam Atay Penalver Love this little boy and so happy for all of you guys, it is so awesome to worship a living God who pamper us like kids.

Comments: Daisy Adair Yet another,,WOW....

            ‪Michelle Weber‪ It will change your family forever...but it all happens for a reason and God will continue to show you his glory. PhilipBender is here to do good things...let his little shine!!! Be patient with yourselves...the new normal has new lenses...

‪‪Jenni John Chambers‪ Thank you for sharing your heart with us
‪‪Chris Anne Sciortino‪ love your words. thank you for sharing them.

‪‪Jessica Hatch Cobb‪ I thought about you so much in the last few weeks, and I just could not imagine what it must be . I cannot tell you how happy and relieved I am for you all, but I know this will stick with you forever. Praying that you continue to get back to normal and that any tears now will be tears of joy.
‪‪Becky Miller Hill‪ What wonderful news. I pray that God will give you both peace and happines . Just love him everyday and give thanks                       
‪‪Mary G Bennett‪ It was so good to see you pull up in the parking lot yesterday with Philip and Elizabeth. Just watching you through the window as you walked in brought me to tears. But best of all was when he came to give me a hug and then that perfect smile! God is good! Love to your precious family.
‪‪Emily Rupe Wilhite‪ love that smile. prayers answered

‪‪Meg Ragland Wood‪ Your testimony of God's great love and care touches my heart! So thankful and continuing to life you all up! We love y'all!

‪‪Jim Morrow‪ What a blessing.

‪‪Gloria Lummus‪ Wonderful seeing you Philip!! Love that cute smile!!

‪‪Dallas Rodgers‪ Sorry we missed seeing you Phillip as we were away, but looking forward to seeing you next Sunday. I'd recognize that infectious smile anywhere - especially on Facebook! Welcome home little David (Phillip) after a win over your Goliath!

‪‪Marybeth Davis Thomas‪ I think this experience has changed all of us. I have never been so grateful for my family and for the love of god. I am so happy things are back to normal. A miracle has happened in your family and we were all witness to that. Thank you god and thank you for all the love that was surrounding you during this. I'm still so blown away by all of this.

‪‪Melissa Tyree‪ Thank you for sharing your sweet family's story. I will continue to pray peace over you
‪‪Kerrie Rhodes‪ Thank you Lord for our dear sister Leanne who has shared her story and is a blessing to me. Love you

‪‪Adam Kreis‪ We were excited to hear that Phillip would be at school! Prayers have truly been answered. We continue to pray for all of you and that through your faith you will be able to give all emotional struggles that my come to God. ‪Lyla loved the tacos!

Friday, March 13, 2015