Saturday, July 16, 2016


Last year, Jackson, Philip and Wesley headed to Fall Creek Falls for a week of Camp WEBE. This year, Elizabeth and I decided to join them. It was our first, and quite possibly our last, week of togetherness in the outdoors! 

Though Elizabeth enjoyed herself, I would much rather be at home! Shh..don't tell the camp directors, Jessica and Tracie, I said that! It was fun but a lot of "hot, sticky, togetherness" - I need some quiet and a bath at least once a week :-) 

These two - plus Wesley - were made for the outdoors! They loved every minute of Camp WEBE!

Jackson enjoyed the week too - especially when he was able to help with the worship experience.
Whit, Tennyson, Eliot and Jackson in the $20 hammock Blake brought! It was a hit!

Jackson played sports with the big kids!!!

Contessa, Jackson and Philip
I was very proud of myself! I crossed a high, swinging bridge! Conquering fears! 
Wesley took a nasty fall but made it look so cool!
The Pee Wee group
Play until you DROP!

Melanie and Mary Surber were the CRAFT queens! 
Our team won the WEBE cup!
I did love spending a week with this handsome fella!
The BEST part of the week was teaching this beautiful group of girls!!
I was the High School Bible Teacher with Tracie and Bonnie and we had a great week!

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